New Logo, Same Old Gig!

2 minute read

When I started consulting, I built out an office 365 account, used a cheap logo service for a generic logo for some business cards, and began working. My goal was not to invest a whole lot of time into the look and feel of the organization, mainly because I didn’t know if I’d survive more than 6 months. Two and half years later, I’m as busy as ever and continuing to add work to the queue as the months go on. Due to this, I felt it was time to invest a bit into the look of the company. Pay for a designer to build a custom logo, one that fits my background and personality. I researched a bit and landed on 99Designs based off some work that @sqlrus had done with them in the past for his logo. It was really simple to get started, pricing was competitive, and I’d retain the rights to the new logo once everything was finished.

The Process

The process was simple. Create a profile, choose a couple of design concepts to help the designers build a profile of what you were looking for, set a color schema, and then provide any details you may want to see included in the design. From there, the designers would have a week to submit their designs and for you to choose the one that you liked best.

The Submissions

Within minutes, submissions came in that were decent, but they really didn’t fit what I was looking for. The designs included some of my requests, but nothing really popped out to me. As the days went on, the theme remained the same. Some designs seemed to be a copy of what the other artists were doing. I started to look at maybe settling on something that I liked but still seemed a little cartoonish for my taste. When I woke up on the third day, I had a submission that immediately made me think, this is the one. It fit the design I was looking for, something simple and modern. It related to my background and could be thrown on t-shirts or polos when the time was right to invest some more into the brand.

The Graphic Designer

Before the unveiling of the new logo, I want to give a quick shout out to the graphic designer that nailed the design. She was amazing to work with and I couldn’t be any happier with the result. If you’d like to work with her, you can find her 99Designs profile here.

It’s been a great ride so far, with new challenges each day. So to finally have a logo of my own which may seem small to some, is a big stepping stone for me. Here’s to new adventures with a brand new look.
